
[402] 新バージョンnetKar0.9.9b来週リリース。 
2004/1/8 (木) 14:38:58 brubeck





 Improved physics for all veichles

- Experimental rain. The rain in v0.9.9b will be static (not changing through the session and global to the track) and working only offline (not available in multiplayer). Tyres are not expected to work correctly temperature-wise in relation to water. it is a very rough implementation but a good preview and a good chance to get feedbacks.

- Multiple tyres per model. Not only the obvious slick/rain selection for the race cars, but different brands with different behaviour for the road cars, around 4-5 tyre models per road car ATM.. more to come as separate download later.

- Some bug fixes, such as replay names with spaces crashing, tyres clipping the body of the supra and the MG and so on.

- Multiplayer bug fixes, such as the "stuck in Sync", general stability and so on.

- Multiplayer race list working.

- Driver's helmet movement (3D model, not all the cars yet)

- GTO now has a live axle at the rear instead of an indipendent suspension.

- Cars do not sink when flipped anymore

- ActLabs Shifter Support

Things I am working to add in v0.9.9b:

- New sound engine based on DX9 and not on QMDX library. Support for crossfade samples (for better engine sound).

- DX Shader support (80% done).


Cyclamen v3.79